Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice? The Oracle:
Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made
it. You're here to try to understand *why* you made it. I thought you'd
have figured that out by now.
“Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.” Dean Acheson
今天有機會參與了MIT CSAIL 實驗室的Dr. Howard E. Shrobe 針對資安與物聯網Cyper Security的演講,一方面是自己本來就對於這類型的資料有興趣,二方面我認為Open Source與Linux陣營的引爆點(Tipping point)將會在IoT與網路的資安問題曝露壓境後廣被使用者與企業接受。(只是沒想到連Microsoft都為了腰幫Win10鋪路,願意拿石頭砸自己招牌強迫使用者更新)
工業化的代表在於準時的火車,但為何時至今日要台鐵準點仍是機率問題。如果一個社會、經濟與國家的開發可與制度脫節處理,那麼追求經濟就是我們所在的唯一價值指標,看起來事實上並非如此,阿里巴巴IACC假貨事件,不同國家間因為法令、文化差異下造成的速度衝突,讓人們在嘗試透過工業化、新科技的導入、更換經濟動能的新螺絲時、來達到「完美的、和諧進步的」社會,可惜的個人與社會開發本身的本質就是混亂而不完美的,追求一致性的公平與合諧往往是在多種檯面上、下的不同引力來分散人的注意力或是帶動某種社會運動在維持。當蘇聯政權(1917~1991)時期,創始者承諾的工業化從來都未落實(不代表歷史上的某天不會到來)正規經濟的背後是靠地下經濟同時在支撐社會運作。究竟是什麼帶動著團體社會發展呢? 這邊有兩個城市的故事-Oklahoma city v.s. Bangladesh
"Ron Norick eventually figured out that the secret to economic development wasn't incentivizing companies up front, it was about creating a place where businesses wanted to locate, and so he pushed an initiative called MAPS ......Along the way, though, I started examining my city, its culture, its infrastructure,......"
剛好同時看到一個以前TED Talk的演講,關於屬於一整個城市的減肥故事(沒錯,是整個城市的人都在減肥)。或許所有的故事的開始都其實並不屬於一個人,而是一個環境與既定的所有面向。看完上面美國城市的減重故事,或許Oklahoma City只是一個巧合,但再對照看孟加拉(全球溫度最高的國家之一,夏天可以超過45C)
"A ten-year plan is absurd Impossible, not particularly worth wasting time on. On the other hand, a ten-year commitment is precisely what's required if you want to be sure to make an impact." ~ Seth Godin