
(親子)陪小孩看電視的驚恐: 探險活寶@美國電視分級(TV-PG),而台灣居然是普遍級?!

TV-PG icon.svg
Adventure Time
今天下午稍微陪小孩的朋友看了一下一直以來都很紅的美國卡通-探險活寶(Adventure Time)。過程中只能說驚呆萬分,畢竟對於家裡沒電視的我們來說,我們本來就不會讓小孩看卡通、新聞與廣告。但是當實際在CN(cartoon network)上收視,卻不可避免的必須面對把學習當笨蛋才做的卡通內容、拜金的廣告等無法接受讓小朋友們接受的無聊、欺侮當有趣的價值觀。(在我們教小孩的過程,要是他這樣是會被拉到一邊好好溝通的)但是在團體生活裡,要是有這樣的同儕是接收這樣的價值觀下成長的,不管教改怎麼改我覺得是無法像卡通這樣擁有潛移默化的效果。(我就不信哪個小學生會把看書當作比看卡通放鬆的活動....)


今天還好我們家裡沒電視存在,唯一有的就只有Apple TV內的網路電視可看,內容上自己可以接受而小朋友也不會操作(重點是他也沒興趣聽英文內容XD),在台灣的大陸法系立意上是值得推崇,但是執行力上永遠是讓人失去信心....想不到連電視的內容管制也已經名存實亡. 當家長的如果要理解你的小孩,最好還是從陪他做他想做的事情開始,而不是哪天他突然做出意外之事時,才說他平常都很乖,不可能做出那樣的事這種欺騙自己的話(根本就是你不願意花時間跟精神理解此時此刻他眼中理解的世界)。

This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children.[10]
Programs rated TV-PG contain material that parents or guardians may find inappropriate for younger children. Programs assigned a TV-PG rating may include some mild to moderate profanity, some sexual content, suggestive dialogue and/or violence.[10]

Ward described the show as a "dark comedy" and said he enjoys experiencing ambivalent emotions, such as the feeling of being "happy and scared at the same time".[45] Executive producer Fred Seibert compared the show's animation style to that of Felix the Cat and various Max Fleischer cartoons, but said its world was also inspired by Dungeons and Dragons and video games.[22][46] Ward intends the show's world to have a physical logic rather than "cartoony slapstick". Although magic exists in the story, the show's writers try to create an internal consistency in the characters' interactions with the world.[5][46] In the United States, the series is rated TV-PG;[47] Ward has said he does not want to push the show's PG rating. He said, "I've never really even thought about the rating ... we don't like stuff that's overly gross. We like cute stuff and nice things."[28]  (以上取自wikipedia)



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