
(歐洲之旅) 大英, 蘇格蘭 +義大利 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇹 16天驚險之旅-義大利待機篇

由於BA某段航程的班機GG(Last-minute Cancelled), 後面我找到同樣的櫃台現場買了最近的機票追去中轉點的羅馬來趕飛機(心裡真的是...@#&*)同時間也回頭看當時的保險與相關機票合約看要怎麼申請退費(結果拿到櫃檯跟他客訴......無效) 只能乾脆地在機場休息了8小時後繼續登機前往羅馬. 不知為什麼這期間超多歐陸小朋友(國高中)搭飛機旅行, 整團整團的學生出現在飛機, 火車, 與旅館. 感覺就像是國中畢業旅行的遊覽車一台又一台出現在面前. (歐洲國高中生一群一群的跨國校外旅遊還算普遍.)

LHR-FCO 從清晨飛到天亮的機艙內

羅馬競技場 Colosseum

羅馬這邊的只是短暫的待機, 所以大部分都在旅館周邊的荒(草)地散步, 聞聞土地的芬芳, 然後肚子到了想到要進城的時候, 就當個觀光客順道欣賞古蹟, 風景, 還有來來去去的旅人. 偶而跟著落單的烏鴉, 讓他帶著我到隱身在巷弄內的聖殿-St. Clement Basilica (完全無計畫的旅遊, 大概就是這樣的 Go with the flow....) 

途中當然也是有在觀光地被黑人, 吉普賽人, 還有斯拉夫商人看到, 但是他們湊上來咕嚕了幾句就被我本能地加速逃逸. (兩手空空然後一副孑然一身的流浪漢裝扮還被盯上, 是不是你們也太認真抓人了 XD). 

St. Clement Basilica

公園飲水台(義大利水可以生飲, 也真的看到有人拿水壺來裝.TBH不好喝)

在這個古老又充滿了許多故事的城市提供的短暫休憩中, 讓我可以稍微回血可以好好地跟歐洲給我的驚喜說再見. 尤其在搭車去機場搭機前, 機器不收鈔也不能接受刷卡, 還好有同路的義大利帥哥主動幫我買票救我一命, 讓我終於可以順利搭上返程, 直接給這裡加100分, 未來還要再來一趟.

Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker

Flower and bee @wasted land

---in English---
Due to the last-minute cancellation of a flight on a certain segment of my BA trip, I had to go to the counter and purchase the nearest available ticket to Rome as a connection to catch my flight (and I was really...@#&*). At the same time, I looked back at my insurance and relevant ticket contracts to see how to apply for a refund (but complaining to the counter staff turned out to be ineffective). After resting at the airport for 8 hours, I continued boarding to Rome. During this time, for some reason, there were many European schoolchildren (middle and high school) traveling by plane, train, and staying in hotels. It felt like tour buses of junior high school graduation trips kept appearing in front of me. (Group travel by European middle and high school students on international school trips is quite common.)

In Rome, I only had a brief layover, so most of the time was spent taking walks in the surrounding fields, smelling the fragrant air of the land. When I got hungry and wanted to head into the city, acted like tourists and admired the ancient ruins, scenery, and other travelers passing by. Occasionally, I followed a lone crow and let it lead me to the hidden St. Clement Basilica in the alleyways. It was a completely unplanned trip, just going with the flow.

Of course, along the way, I also encountered black people, gypsies, and Slavic merchants in tourist areas, but they just muttered a few words and I instinctively escaped. (Even dressed like a homeless wanderer with empty hands, I was still targeted by them. It seemed like they were too serious about catching people XD.)

In this ancient and storied city, the short rest provided allowed me to recover and bid farewell to the surprises that Europe had given me. Especially when I was on my way to the airport, the ticket machine didn't accept cash or cards. Fortunately, a handsome Italian guy who was traveling with me took the initiative to buy a ticket for me and saved my life, allowing me to finally board the return flight smoothly. This experience earned this city 100 points in my book, and I look forward to visiting again in the future.



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