
(親子旅行) 日本東京日光市健行之旅

一個月之前的日本東京日光旅行被堆在相簿已久, 現在應該可以趁著復活節把他們挖出來, 好好整理一下. (2/23-3/1 的JP出遊後, 立刻安排3/17-4/1的UK出差明顯擠壓這篇....而臨時排行程甚麼都變貴XD)

冬季的繡球花 @日光東照宮


日光市, 是東京周邊~140km的世界遺產市(Wiki). 有蒸汽火車(大樹號), 日光國立公園自然男體山湖, 日照宮與神社, 森林跟開闊視野的城鎮. 旅遊可以日光周遊劵, 從東京到這裡, 也可以搭乘機場巴士直接從東京機場到日光.  


世界遺產的日光市, 甫一抵達日本東京成田機場就可以看到, 出現在大螢幕的看板廣告上, 而冬季尾聲的這邊, 氣溫大概也在-10~15C之間, 乾淨的空氣與清澈的可生飲的自來水都遠比東京市區的品質好的多, 水龍頭的水像礦泉水的甘甜真的是很讓人驚嘆!

日光東照宮, 是德川家康的所有東照宮當中最華麗且埋藏他的遺骸的(官方說法)真.東照宮. 日本的宮社(神道教), 很棒的地方是他們相信萬物都有靈, 到處都可以感受到豐富的生命力與想像力, 像是巨木參天的柳杉, 頂上飛過的老鷹, 還有綠意盎然的角落在這古意盎然的世界遺產. 

日光市的水土保持(砂防)工事解說 @市役所前



如果下次再來東京, 日光市可以安排更長的停留, 還有透過巴士直接從成田機場直接來. 這個城市完全就像是夢想中的隱居長居生活. 涼爽的天氣, 壯闊的大自然, 還有古蹟與不會太多外地觀光客的日本山野里山.  

(心得)稍微筆記一下日光市的旅行, 每天都可以爬山的世界遺產日光市是目前所有的日本旅行中最接近夢想中的里山之旅,蔬果跟食物都好喜歡好新鮮 (雖然小人們也是累到不行, 天天哇哇叫XD)


不想面對鴨- 綠頭鴨溺水(覓食)模式




蜉蝣於天地之間, 朝生暮死 @大樹號候車室


---In English---
A month ago, my trip to Nikko, Japan was buried in my photo album. Now, with Easter approaching, it's time to dig them out and organize them properly. (My trip to Japan was from 2/23 to 3/1, and immediately after that, I had a business trip to the UK from 3/17 to 4/1, which clearly squeezed this trip. And planning things at the last minute made everything more expensive! XD)

Nikko City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located around 140km from Tokyo. It features a steam locomotive (the "SL Taiju"), the natural beauty of Lake Chuzenji in Nikko National Park, the famous Nikko Toshogu Shrine and other shrines, forests, and a town with wide open views. Visitors can use the Nikko All Area Pass for travel around Nikko, or take an airport bus directly from Tokyo Airport to Nikko.

In the world heritage city of Nikko, you can see it as soon as you arrive at Tokyo's Narita Airport, appearing on the advertising screens. At the end of winter here, the temperature is probably between -10 to 15 degrees Celsius. The clean air and the clear tap water that can be consumed are far better in quality than those in downtown Tokyo. The water from the tap is so sweet and mineral-like, which is truly amazing!

Nikko Toshogu Shrine is the most magnificent of all the Toshogu Shrines, which were built to enshrine Tokugawa Ieyasu. It is also the official burial site of Ieyasu. Shinto shrines in Japan are wonderful places where they believe that everything has a spirit, and you can feel the abundant vitality and imagination everywhere, such as the towering Japanese cedar trees, eagles flying over the top, and the lush greenery in this ancient and historic World Heritage site.

If I visit Tokyo again, I would definitely plan to spend more time in Nikko city and take the bus directly from Narita Airport. This city is like a dream hideaway, with cool weather, magnificent nature, historical sites, and the charm of a rural Japanese town with few tourists. It would be a great place to settle down and live.



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