
(Open-Sourced) Ubuntu應用: Skype for Linux Alpha、Layout Editor, Swift

Skype for Linux

前陣子的時候看到OMGUbuntu的這則新聞(Skype Announce Brand New Linux Client, Now in Alpha),
  1. 支援剪貼簿貼上了:拉檔案直接貼、螢幕截圖,對話內容更方便彈性
  2. 開放更貼近現在的UI, 與Windows和Mac更一致了.
  3. Voice messaging audio now works.
  4. Mojis now work with audio.
  5. You can now silence notification sounds and turn off messaging notifications completely in ‘Settings’.
  6. We’ve disabled the ability to drag & drop a URL into Skype which opens the browser in the application.
  7. Presence status icon sizes in the Tray have been improved on some distributions.
這邊是他的下載位置 ,對於有想要再各個平台上都同步訊息的人來說,這版Skype的釋出填補了原本Linux支援性差的問題了。
這版Skype for Linux上的小企鵝還會跳舞
DWG in Ubuntu (substrate layout)? Layout Editor~
因為在圖面上需要以Ubuntu上直接開啟DWG, 之前有試過一些像是OpenCAD, OrCAD 之類的,或許是因為是PCB layout. 圖層全開時閱讀的效果都不是很好。直到最近找到了Layout Editor,在顯示上最接近實際AutoCAD看時的效果(操作上也很相似), 唯一有個小問題就是他仍需要透過支援QT5的轉檔工具讓DWG可以在其程式裏面顯示。Layout Editor在第一次開啟DWG時就會提出建議,安裝外掛Teigha File Converter。

The LayoutEditor (身為一個封裝,layout工程師的好幫手)

screenshot GDSII Editor
is the most popular software to edit designs for MEMS and IC fabrication. It is also often be used for Multi-Chip-Modules (MCM), Chip-on-Board (COB), Low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC), printed circuit boards (PCB), thick film technology, thin film technology, .... It has sophisticated functions like all angles, font generator, C++ macros, python scripting, boolean operations, design rule checker, netlist driven layout and LVS. A wide range of supported file formats like Calma GDSII, OASIS (Open Artwork System Interchange Standard), OpenAccess, DXF, CIF (Caltech Intermediate Form), Gerber (RS-274X), LEF, DEF, Lasi, SOURCE and many more make it to versatile tool in any part of your design flow. The LayoutEditor is cross platform compatible and runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X.

Swift on Ubuntu

Swift為iOS的新語言- 也是個開源的程式語言,同時支援Xcode與Ubuntu(15.10/14.04)。有興趣的人可以從Swift.org下載他的Release, Snapshot等。而如果在Ubuntu系統的話,建議是以Snapshot來作為使用平台。(參考這篇

Open Source: What It Means For Swift

According to the official Swift 2.0 release, here’s what Apple means by “open source”:
  • Swift source code will be released under an OSI-approved permissive license.
  • Contributions from the community will be accepted — and encouraged.
  • At launch we intend to contribute ports for OS X, iOS, and Linux.
  • Source code will include the Swift compiler and standard library.
  • We think it would be amazing for Swift to be on all your favorite platforms.
如何在Ubuntu上面安裝並開始使用Swift? 可以參考這篇<How to Start Programming in Swift on Ubuntu>如果有興趣的人可以進一步從網路上找到許多關於如何善用Swift來寫iOS的APP(想是參考這篇網誌),目前有想到的是如何讓iOS手機有辦法接受更多元的data format然後以圖像化或是AI–來達成以往要在電腦前才能完成的例行公事. 不過又有個問題在於提交與HTML5之間所能辦到的程度的差異(現在的HTML5所能做的相當多, 雖然仍不及APP反應快速,參考練結). 不過R套件所能做的事情,目前在手機平台的配套還是只能透過Spreadsheet套用....有一點點麻煩不過能建立基本的數據決策樹。

(Techbang)不只玩小遊戲,HTML5 Rocks教你寫程式



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