"Where are you going?" 在跑金面山時讓我想到Alice Wonderland,可惜的是並沒有出現那隻貓
“Cat: Where are you going?
Lewis Carroll,
Alice in Wonderland
python-pptx 套件很有趣的就是他可以做出這種無腦的簡報, 所以當資料量大的時候就變得很有效
Feature Support:
- Round-trip any Open XML presentation (.pptx file) including all its elements
- Add slides
- Populate text placeholders, for example to create a bullet slide
- Add image to slide at arbitrary position and size
- Add textbox to a slide; manipulate text font size and bold
- Add table to a slide
- Add auto shapes (e.g. polygons, flowchart shapes, etc.) to a slide
- Add and manipulate column, bar, line, and pie charts
- Access and change core document properties such as title and subject
安裝的方式可以透過: pip install python-pptx來安裝 這個套件, API Documentation可以參考這邊來編輯需要的範本. 希望可以善用python-pptx來做出搞出一個屬於自己的範本(這樣就可以無腦出報告?)
1. 變更資料夾所需要的套件 Python os module
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