從連續3天的刻意減少外食實驗中(因為小孩腸胃炎....只能陪小孩吃少吃淡),發現也不會餓,而且對比外面買的便當或是餐點的份量往往只剩下一半或不到,小孩參與料理的過程後,也不會吵說不好吃也不會製造廚餘或剩食、剩食2 (BTW,台灣剩食為非洲16倍)
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(飴半 Eat Half)
Vision: Leverage food to those who need
Mission: making food consumed more effectively, and bring awareness of the necessary calories for daily living with the streaming/token service.
- Reducing waste food at home(EPA)
- People eat more when eating out! (Guardian) (Psychology Today)
- Waste (food, plastic, trash, ....)when eating outside (packaging, deployment of....) and more can't be recycled (Guardian)
- Responsibilities less when eats out (USC)
ex. 如果可以再少個3吋的腰圍有多好XD
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