11月訓練里程: 61.5km |
最後感謝有看這篇的親朋好友們, 附上本週爸爸跟哥哥一起動手玩的科學玩具-俄羅斯輪盤(demo如以下),還有本月的世界經理人月刊11月號,BTW,最底下有一個prototype的問卷,如果有興趣又有空的話還請幫忙一下^^:
- (無腦) 俄羅斯輪盤材料: 強力磁鐵(同電池做的電磁車 3mm), smart cover(副廠)的平板. 還有一支內含鐵質的筆(在此我用的是平板用的電容筆)
- (有腦) 世界經理人<中文版>-11月 (請點我):決戰商業模式與大眾重創德國製造故事
Quote of the Day:
"The only way to become the writer who has written a book is to write one.
The only way to become the runner who has just finished a run is to go running.
You might dread the writing or the running or the leading, but it's the key step on the road to becoming.
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