
(閱讀筆記1)Maximize Your Potential: Grow your expertise, Take Bold Risks & Build an incredible Career (中文書名感覺兜不隴XD)


Stop Trying to "Do It All"

Chapeter 1=關鍵重點:創造機會

  1. 先養成技能,再培養熱情
  2. 有調整計劃的計劃
  3. 不要滿足於現況
  4. 找到重大的使命
  5. 幸運是一種心態
  6. 有目的的工作

Chapter 2=創造機會

  1.  別再努力「做的好」
  2. 全力衝刺,加速專精
  3. 避開OK瓶頸
  4. 渴求回饋意見
  5. 把培養重要習慣培養成一個習慣
  6. 每日寫日記觀察自己督促自己進步

Chapter 3=培養人際關係

「所有別人惹惱我們的事情,都可以讓我們更了也自己」~Carl Jung, Swiss Psychologist
  1. 不要單打獨鬥
  2. 建立社會契約
  3. 相信慷慨-人生重心在於幫助別人
  4. 提出要求,就會得到-養成每個禮拜主動提出問題拜訪先進
  5. 異花授粉激發創意-試著結合過去的合作對象與新成員
  6. 有大師的能力,沒有大師的架子-所有的成就都是基於前人的基礎上

 Comments on Amazon

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
After buying this book, I wasted little time in getting through it. I love the strategies put forth by the writers in the book. This is not a "principles and theory on how to grow potential as a creative type" kind of book. This is a real "how-to" book. The level of detail is just right, such that you can take some of the strategies listed in the book and start implementing them in your own unique way.

When reading the book, I'd recommend reading it with one eye keeping a lookout for stuff that you can try immediately, and stuff that you might want to try in the future. I'd also look at it as a "basis manual" - it's got specific strategies indeed, but as creative types, we can iterate and experiment using those strategies as the foundation.

I won't spoil the content by listing out specific examples from the book. But I'd definitely recommend getting it, and reading it!

例行掃完木馬就要睡了...Good night world



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