
(閱讀) 鼓勵失敗的一本好書 <管理你的每個潛能>

“Being right keeps you in place. Being wrong forces you to explore.” 
― Steven JohnsonWhere Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation

"人生中最大的危險,就是過度小心"~Alfred Adier心理學家
如果說小確幸與遵守規矩是我們面對的教育環境與社會現況,那麼這本書有可能就是一個反思(當然他也有存在毀三觀的風險)。像單一故事有其危險性,我們所囿的習慣與環境同樣也是有著風險存在,麻木不仁的。就像去美國,大家都警告要遠離黑人,而我在美國反而偏愛在找黑人司機問路或店員幫忙(也有可能我看起來就像是個窮學生,衣服又穿的比他還破舊,他覺得有義務要幫忙一個黃種人也說不定 QQ)那時只是覺得既然都身處美國了,總要做一些"不一樣"的事情(沒錯,就是不一樣的!)然後就會讓你對原本根深蒂固的成見有所改變。

(話說如此自己的現況境正在被ERROR給包圍.....一整個就很想買台新電腦逃避  囧|||)

書末提到刻意在隨機世界中下賭注,我們沒辦法在別人制定的規則中脫穎而出,或是得到最大的支援(大家都只看到法人名稱跟CEO是誰,頂多再多一個最近上新聞的像是翁院長)。那是別人的生活而不是你的,能做的是師法軍訓課<孫子兵法.勢篇>教導我們的:「 凡戰者,以正合,以奇勝。故善出奇者,無窮如天地,不竭如江河。」不玩別人的遊戲,玩自己的規則。


Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
After buying this book, I wasted little time in getting through it. I love the strategies put forth by the writers
 in the book. This is not a "principles and theory on how to grow potential as a creative type" kind of book.
This is a real "how-to" book. The level of detail is just right, such that you can take some of the strategies listed
in the book and start implementing them in your own unique way.

When reading the book, I'd recommend reading it with one eye keeping a lookout for stuff that you can try
immediately, and stuff that you might want to try in the future. I'd also look at it as a "basis manual" -
it's got specific strategies indeed, but as creative types, we can iterate and experiment using those strategies
as the foundation.

I won't spoil the content by listing out specific examples from the book. But I'd definitely recommend getting
 it, and reading it!
Where's Nigeria?

  1. 關於ERROR的問題總算在Google上面找到解決方法了。參考Google有時候會跳出。
  2. Google Product Forums有一個討論串解決了這個問題。(下載點)



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